Monday, March 18, 2019

The Missed Connection

Notification To All New First Time Readers

All first time reader of this post and blog, please take note that this blog is meant only for the regular readers and followers who have been closely following this work (for at least a few years and having read from many to near all the published posts including the Contents Warning).


If I were to write just on the subject of relationship from all its applicable contexts in sufficient details so that the subject matter is sufficiently explored and expounded on, it could possibly take several dozen Christian (i.e. Old and New Testaments Scriptural records consisting of 39 books and 27 books respectively) Bible sized books to sufficiently cover them all. Not that it would be necessary to write so many books on relationship just so the average member of mankind can understand their significance as a crucial expression of reality, if not (or except) for a uncontrolled lust problem with mankind which I have already written extensively on in four of the main blogs of this work.

One of the main reasons the subsequent posts and discussions in the previous discussion thread (or series) in this blog never saw the light of day (from the time of the last published title, ‘The Forces That Rule Human Societies’, was because it was too voluminous aka very lengthy and would with me in good health and physical condition which since 2011 C.E. has not being the case, take some one to two months to finish) coupled to my deteriorating physical and physiological condition, which began a downward turn from around three months leading to the beginning 2011 C.E. (which was when I retired from employment). That last intended discussion post (continuing on that discussion thread) would easily take me over a year (if not more) to do.

The above two (or actually three) reasons are why beginning this post forward, this blog will only be doing short concise discussions that are going to be more disclosures than they are discussions.

The Missed Connection

We would think that the best of the best minds of social order of mankind would not be as massively stupid as they are, but they are. Now don't get me wrong, by all accounts the men and women of science and technology (generally or from a general contextare indeed the best of the best minds in the human social order (but anyone can disagree if they want to, just go some place else to do so).

And the reasons that they are massively stupid have not been because of their main, if not sole, focus is on the laws of physics (andor in all their areas of specialization or expertise). No, that has not been the reason they are massively stupid.

The reason they are massively stupid is because they think, talk and behave to show off that they (whether implicitly or even very explicitly) already know it all, that they already know everything there is to know about everything. This while even when they are fully cognizant that they don't. That is right, it is the same number one lust that makes every single creature personage massively stupid, the ego supergorging lust.

Who among the readers (and the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of science) still remember and are still cognizant of the infallible scientific fact and truth that just around a hundred and more years ago, all of science totally believed that our Milky Way galaxy was the entirety of the universe which today science totally believes is billions to trillions of times larger? Talk about a miss is as good as a mile, this miss of science was literary trillions upon trillions of miles off target, and with not even the tiniest of a pip of acknowledgement of ‘we totally had our feet in our mouths and our heads up our arses and got this wrong by trillions upon trillion of miles’ from the scientists. I am sure a little brutally honest admission of their absolute cluelessness would be of great positive input for a better advancement of true (as opposed to ego supergorging) scientific research and endeavor.

How about when the atom was the smallest divisible unit of matter, wasn't that the most ridiculous thing that ever came out the mouths of a whole bunch of ultra mega educated men and women proclaimed as the smartest of the smarts in the human social order?

Shouldn't all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of those days who believed all those massively stupid things be considered and judged guilty of being massively stupid? Or is it only religious people who can be looked upon as massively stupid (i.e. insanely and ridiculously stupid) whereas scientists are always absolutely the most brilliantly ultra mega supreme geniuses no matter how massively stupid they have been and still are?

Exactly just as right up to today, with a little knowledge they start totally thinking and behaving that they totally already know all there is to know and seen all there is to be seen.

Our Creation Is Founded Or Based On Relationships Requirement

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton's laws of motion: The three laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton concerning relations between force, motion, acceleration, mass, and inertia. These laws form the basis of classical mechanics and were elemental in solidifying the concepts of force, mass, and inertia. Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of the object is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass. The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Science apparently has the knowledge from centuries ago but they do not appear to understand anything important and true about reality and actuality (i.e. what everything is about, and even more important why things would exist and be functioning). And this is that the basis to our reality (the physical universe and all that is in) as a functional (as opposed to a meaningless) reality is in the interaction of the things that are in it, meaning (duhh....) their respective relationships (in functional causative and reactive interfaces producing some results aka causes and effects).

No doubt Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was (and all scientists in that particular field of interest and expertise were) just focused on the law of physics. And that is totally fine as long as they know and actually are fully cognizant of that, and not going around starting talking and strutting around judging and making all manner of massively stupid proclamations, pronouncements and assertions on things they totally have no clue on.

The number one proof that Isaac Newton and all scientists from his time until today, do not understand knowledge even as they look at knowledge, take possession of knowledge and know how to make use of knowledge but remained totally clueless about the knowledge they have learned (i.e. gained) and used, can be seen in the Newton's laws of motion on the relation between force, motion, acceleration, mass, and inertia.

And this is that they have remained totally (implicitly) clueless that it is about causes and effects. And the number one proof that they do not know that it is about causes and effects is in the very scientific theory of the Big Bang. And this is that they are all totally clueless that their theory of the Big Bang that it is about a series of events never ever actually addressing the causes particularly the FIRST AND PRIMARY CAUSE. A series of events essentially is a series of effects with the causes totally ignored or never examined.

Until this day, science still talks about the Big Bang from the perspective and context of events, never ever about causes (what cause them and why they would cause them) to then realize there has to be a first cause and not a (just an absolutely nothing aka quantum vacuum Singularity spawning) series of events (without causes) whether or not in an infinite cyclic loop. The reason they do this is because they have totally no clue as to the FIRST CAUSE or even all the subsequent causes (in a continual and continuous series or chains, of causes and effects replicating and compounding) that produced the series of events (science are just totally fixated on) leading right up to today. So they all went into total deliberated stupidity in a total trillions upon trillions of miles long tunnel vision just focusing on events.

Essentially then (from an economics perspective or analogy) near everything in the universe (whether it in smallest possible unit out in the collective of anyall sizes) is both a product and a service (singular and plural) to all the rest that in comes into interactive contact with, physically andor logically. And from the scientific definition for interspecies relationship, the analogical perspective would be of mutualism where things interact and have a net positive constructive effect; parasitism where things interact and have a net negative destroying effect; and commensalism where there are neither (or insignificant minimal) constructive nor destructive effect.

Then from understanding that things can interact, we would (or should anyway) know and understand that reality must be reactive. This meaning that reality must have objects (whether some of them, most of them, near all of them or all of them) which posses properties that would allow them to react. This should then be followed by understanding that for things to be reactive they must also be able to affect things to cause a reaction, and have things which would affect them to cause them to react.

One of the most massively stupid of the most massively stupid hypothesis of science is that things that came into existence “naturally aka by their own cognition, impetus and decision, or totally spontaneously without cause or reason (which is just a deceptive ego gorging way of saying, mindlessly”.

The tiniest of particle, wave and matter just decide for themselves (i.e. spontaneously proclaimed) I want to be a light particle, I want to be a wave particle, I want to be a muon neutrino, then think (or just spontaneously by virtual of total spontaneity without thinking) to themselves, “so to be a light particle I must be able to do this and this and not be able to do that and that” then followed by intelligently (or spontaneously without intelligence or reasons) realizing that there are others around them to then think (or be spontaneous again to) further “I want to be able to react to or interact with this and this in this way, and that and that in that way, but not with this other and that other in anyway, etcetera and etcetera”.

How incredulously magnificently ingeniously brilliant our men and women of science must all so totally be, to be able take massively stupidity to a such level that: even the most lust driven crazed and berserk minds could not possibly be able to imagine in their wildest fantasies; to make all normal massive stupidity seem so ingeniously magnificently intelligent.

No doubt all the Oooh Aahlers (pronounced as: oooo aaaa lers) of science will ask: ‘how is that more massively stupid then religions claiming their God wants to reward all the men who kill unbelievers for Him with eternal mindless sex orgies with seventy two virtual virgins in heaven?’

The answer: It is in the context. The men and women (as well as all the other variants and concoction of these) of science are not just the most highly educated and the brightest (i.e. the best of the best) minds of the social order of humankind, but they also are all those who have the most knowledge about our reality, the reality of this universe. That is what makes this massive stupidity the ultra mega super duper most of the most incredulously bizarrely lust seeded, fueled and driven ever

Arrogantly Strutting Around Clueless To What They Are Seeing Or Proclaiming

To this very day where knowledge of all things in the universe have grown to beyond mind blogging magnitudes, science is persisting in not knowing and even less so understanding that the basis to our universe as a meaningful functioning reality, as opposed to a non functional reality that is of  no purpose and no point; a meaningless collection of energy bright, not too bright and dark; forces, wraps and curvatures; fields, forests and deserts; waves and ripples, particles and holes for worms; space-time continuum and mutative dysfunction; matter, antimatter and doesn't matter; plus all the other craps that science will discover or invent to then later discretely discard (i.e. pretend stupidity to not know or remember that they had previously invented them).

Losing the forest for the trees. Thousands (to millions, depending on which take on reality you chose to embrace and subscribe to) of years of human history, with knowledge beyond the minds of any single person to be able to grappled and yet the most brilliant of the most brilliant, the best of the best minds of the human social still can't grasp this one very simple thing.

A universe with all that is which came into existence from a so called Big Bang of whatever science has been telling it was from (changing their stories time and again) before it become the universe today, after some thirteen to fifteen (or more, or less of earth years ago, again depending on which science we chose to believe) need an essential prerequisite for it to start becoming (whether progressively cumulatively or instantaneously), from the moment of the Big Bang (from whatever it was before the Big Bang), to the fully functioning and meaningful universe it is today.

And this prerequisite is that it must have a predefined intelligently defined specifications from the very first instance of the Big Bang and progressively thereafter before it can then begin at or after the Big Bang (in processes of interactive relationships in causes and effects of all that first began then cumulatively progress) then continue on to, from the first nano of nanosecond to the billions of years, to take the shape today it has taken.

But if we really are even remotely intelligent we would (or should anyway) know that even for the Big Bang to happen (when science proclaimed it happened if indeed that is correct) there must first be a cause because if science have not completely totally cross the line into total insanity, it would have been absolutely obvious to them that the Big Bang cannot be a (first) cause but an effect from a cause before or preceding it. This is unless science chose deliberated stupidity to totally embraced insanity to proclaimed that the Big Bang personally arbitrarily predetermined and then decided to bang at the time that it banged and not earlier or later. And just in case the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of science are just too ultra mega super supremely ingenuously intelligent to understand, let me spell it out for them (not that there is a hope that they would, because they will just totally refused to): Why did the Big Bang happened as they claimed between 13 to 15 billion years ago (meaning why is our universe not much younger or much older), why not some other numbers of billions years ago)

In an almost exact similitude (of cumulative progression) the process is repeated in the process for life to first take form on earth and then cumulatively evolve (or mutated horrendously, if that is your preferred take on what happened) to give us the earth filled with the diversities of life of today.

Nothingness Created Everything, Meaninglessness Created Meaning 
(please note that the followings are mostly extracts from other posts of this work, with minor rewording)

Simply put then, the infallible facts of the Big Bang (regardless whether from an absolute nothing Singularity or from whatever else science may next invent in their wildest fantasy) proclaimed by science states that inasmuch as absolute nothing created everything (this was from around circa 2010 to 2015 C.E. and has since been either infused with new twists (such as in a new infallible theory of spontaneity), or somewhat toned down as scientific infallible fact and will be eventually abandon as they did their infallible fact that the Milky Galaxy was the whole universe and the atom was the smallest indivisible unit of matter), meaningless created meaningfulness (aka knowledge) which then create intelligence (this by the way still is as it has been, the contemporary infallible scientific fact from since before the whole Absolute Nothing Singularity quantum vacuum thing of circa 2010 to 2016 C.E). In other words science proclaimed that nothingness (must) first exist before everything can exist, and meaningless (absence of intelligence aka pointless purposelessness) must be the one to define itself first before it can proceed to define meanings (aka knowledge elements).

Contrast that with the Christian Holy Scriptures which revealed that the creation (both the Spirit realm or dominion and the earthly or material realm or dominion (i.e. physical universe) were created by POWER ('elohiym [H430]) translated as God in the English Bible (Genesis 1:1); and INTELLIGENCE (logos [G3004] as the SOURCE andoitem which defines, gives meaning, or as knowledge units of meaning) translated in English Bibles as Word (John 1:1). This work rendered the term as DEFINER and as definition as of that which specifies or defines forms and shapes, attributes and properties).

Genesis 1 verse 1 (the discussion of this verse is in the post ‘In The Beginning’ of the blog ‘The Scripture Of Truth’) translates literally to the meaning concepts conveyed, from (quote is from the NKJV, and of course you do not have to believe this if you totally adamantly refused to):

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


In the beginning (of all beginnings) POWER created the heavens and the earth (i.e. all things).

and John 1 verse 1, (the discussion of which is in the blog ‘The Scripture Of Truth’ in the post, still pending at this writing, ‘In The Beginning Was The WORD’) from:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


In the beginning (of all beginnings) was the DEFINITION, and the DEFINITION was with POWER, and the DEFINER was POWER.

Essentially then in both the books of Genesis and book of Johnextended (or elaborated further) gives us:

In the beginning POWER create the Heavens and the earth and INTELLIGENCE (as a DEFINER giving) them (Heavens and earth) their definition. GOD as the POWER source and power expression (i.e. to give power) for functioning or functionality; and GOD as the DEFINER and the DEFINITION expression (i.e. to give definitions, attributes and properties to things to have forms, shapes and substances).

For the discussion of the term ‘GOD ('elohiym [H430])’ please read the post ‘GOD’; and the term ‘WORD (logos [G3004])’ please read the post ‘In The Beginning Was The WORD’, both in the blog ‘The Scripture Of Truth’. Further discussion of reality illustrating in analogy using objects of our limited realm's as symbolic representation, of both the CREATOR and the creation can also be found in the post ‘In The Beginning Was The WORD’.

Take away the power (i.e. all that drives and holds the forms) our universe would be meaninglessness emptiness. Take away the definition and our universe would be just shapeless and formless energy (or power).

Let me make it very simple for our most illustrious men and women (or whatever else) of science: our universe was created from just two things, power (expressed as forces and energy) to make things possible and functional, and the intelligence to take formless, shapeless, limitless (i.e. without definition, lacking boundaries and separation) power and giving it definition and the needed separation, for them to take on forms and shapes (i.e. definitions in attributes, properties and boundaries) in all the things discernible or not to us: from the tiniest possible particles, waves andor whatever else there may be that are the building blocks into the most massive of the most massively (from the context of mass, not of size in volume or amount of space occupied) that can be.
◼ Updated: 2019 04 06

Related Reads:
Are You Real?
      Part 1 – Are You Real? 
      Part 2 – How Are You Real? 
      Part 3 – How Real Are You? 
The Issues Of Reality (all pending)
      Part 1 – The Basic Of Basics
      Part 2 – Cause And Effect, Actions And Consequences
      Part 3 – Intelligence And Freewill

Supportive Reads:
In The Beginning
A Dark Empty Waste Land
The Tree Of Knowledge
The Tree Of Life
GOD (The Meaning Of The Words)
Reader's Question - Why Do Innocents Suffer If GOD is Just?
Why Create Life Through The Process Of Evolution?
Relationship Basic Of Basics
The Context Of Evil (pending)

Other Relevant Reads:
Glossary Of Terms
Concept, Context And Perspective
Explicit And Implicit

Previous Post >> Intro And Home Page
Next Post >>  Relationship Basic Of Basics

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1. Words in italic referenced Scripture books, chapters, passages and verses, otherwise these are special highlighting notes to selected people who are familiar with them.
2.  All the terms (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, metaphors, analogies, etc) that denote as references to the CREATOR GOD (whose inspired Words of the original texts are the basis to the Christian Bible in all of its heavily interpreted translations) are in caps or uppercase unless otherwise denoted or specified.
3. All references to the term or word Scriptures (first letter in caps or uppercase) are to the Holy Christian Scriptures unless otherwise denoted.
4. The various chapters and articles discussed here are by no means exhaustive of the doctrines, prophesies, subjects and answers to questions on the Christian Holy Scriptures.
5. Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version unless otherwise indicated.
6. The word or term 'man' is used throughout as a reference to man specifically as well as to all mankind (male and female) according to the context as too is the manner of the Christian Holy Scriptures.
7. Items marked in red (color) and some other colors other than those of embedded links (URLs) are either special notes andor are meant to called the readers' particular attention of those marked as such.
8. For the complete listing of titles and discussions by this author on the Christian faith and worship (aka religion) please refer to the Start or Home page of 'The Holy Bible Expounded'. Also listed in that page are the latest published posts of all the Christian topic blogs of this author.
9. This blog is part of a larger work by this author published in several blogs on Blogger and WordPress (including all others listed in the main blog Home page).

© Quah 2010 – 2019. All rights reserved.

First time reader of this work are strongly advised to first read the Contents Warning post and the Special Note entry in the main blog before deciding to continue reading any of the posts and discussions of this work.
All published information of this work is targeted primarily at the true disciples of the faith, the Elect, not the false professed believers. Those of other religious beliefs who are easily offended by simple. clear and obvious evident truth are advised not to read any of the discussions and posts of this work.
All views, statements and discussions are the personal religious belief and conviction of this author and directed at persons of same faith, religious belief and conviction. Nonetheless any truly sincere seeker of the CREATOR of all things should be able to related to and understand the discussion, if seeking said CREATOR in truth and humility, seeking with an open mind to understand and to learn.
All those who are not interested in, or not seeking to know the truth about GOD and our existence should not read materials and articles by this author in his books or blogs as the simple, clear and obvious truth will most probably offend their sensitivity and infuriate them into murderous rages.
The author is neither responsible for nor does he approve or endorse any advertisement for subscriptions, products or services advertised in this blog space.
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand any and all the discussions of this author. You do not need to be an expert or a genius to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.

First Posted: 2019 03 18